Hello Writer, and welcome back to my life.
It’s Writer Wednesday, where I give you my best tips and advice on the art and the business of writing and tell you how I do what I do as an indie author.
As always, these questions come from my $5 patrons on Patreon, and today’s question comes to us from patron Gerald Hornsby, who asks:
Do your characters tell YOU the story? Who controls them, anyway?
So, a lot of writers claim to be controlled by their characters, or at least to be sort of “forced into” decisions by their characters.
I, uh…I don’t buy it.
As with any piece of writing advice, we have to see how this could help or how it could hold you back.
And in my own personal experience, which I will acknowledge might not necessarily be universal, you are the one who puts the words into your manuscript.
You create the character. You create the world in which the character exists, and you create the story that…