Hello Rebel, and welcome back to my life. If you prefer reading to watching, the entire transcript of this video is under the cut.
We’re vlogging from the bed, which means we must have finished another book of Underrealm. And indeed, the novel Stone Heart, A Book of Underrealm, is done, and is releasing in one week. Yaaay!
In all honesty, this book has left me far more exhausted than Blood Lust did two months ago. Quick point about that, you might very well be thinking, “But Garrett, we had one of these videos two months ago, wow, that book really came together fast.”
But did it?
The answer is honestly that no, Stone Heart did not come together super fast. I had already been working on it pretty extensively before Blood Lust released, so the actual time that I’ve been working on it has been more extensive than it would appear.
And also, for Stone Heart, I knew so much about the story. I knew how it was going to play out, I knew what the ending was gonna be, I knew what the major twist was. This story was very, very solid…